More than 300 civic, community, cultural and educational organizations honor the enduring spirit of the Plan of Chicago with a stunning array of exhibits, school programs, lectures, tours, Green Legacy projects and bold new plans. Click below for complete monthly calendars.

Burnham Plan Centennial Program Partners include organizations, institutions and entities throughout the Chicago metropolitan region who are engaged in planning opportunities to inspire our region’s leaders, communities and institutions to build on the success of the Burnham Plan and act boldly to shape our future during 2009.
Get Involved
We invite your organization to be a Program Partner and contribute to a calendar of highly visible public events, educational programs, hands-on activities, legacy projects, planning and policy initiatives Your contribution may be a new initiative, or a project that intersects with or expands programs already in place.
Activities may be long- or short-term and large or small in scale. Together the whole will be greater than the sum of the parts. Information about the Centennial and how to get involved is detailed in the Program Partner Guide and Intent to Participate Form.