Civic and Non-Profit Organization (95)
Cultural Institution or Organization (44)
Neighborhood or Community Development Organization (7)
Other (13)
Public Agency (75)
![]() AIR. WATER. EARTH. SUN. These ELEMENTS constitute our primary connection to the natural environment and the full experience of living. The Elements Group is dedicated exclusively to the enhancement of urban life through the development of modern, nature-inspired retreat homes, residential communities, living solutions and innovative community projects. Partner Category: Civic and Non-Profit Organization Centennial Activities
Project NomadThe Elements GroupInspired by the architecture of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and his historic Farnsworth House, Project Nomad is a modern mobile nature and environmental learning center designed to be transported to and temporarily displayed in urban parks and open space areas. Project Nomad contains resources and interactive features on nature, green living and sustainability, including information and materials of the Chicago Center for Green Technology, the Chicago Park District, the City of Chicago's Department of Environment and other Chicago-based nature-oriented museums and institutions. 
The Embrace Nature CampaignThe Elements GroupPrimarily focused on the City of Chicago's Nature and Wildlife Plan, the campaign is a unique media outreach initiative consisting of inspiring and thought-provoking photographic images of diverse individuals and families experiencing the beauty of various natural and green spaces in Chicago. The hub of the campaign will be the Embrace Nature Chicago website. [MORE]
Unity Green at Gill ParkThe Elements GroupUnity Green at Gill Park is a unique modern sustainable park concept in the Uptown area of Chicago, created to promote unity and social interaction between different socio-economic, racial and cultural groups. The construction of Unity Green is expected to commence in the spring of 2009. [MORE] Website: http://www.airwaterearthsun.... Address: Contact: |