Civic and Non-Profit Organization (95)
Cultural Institution or Organization (44)
Neighborhood or Community Development Organization (7)
Other (13)
Public Agency (75)
As a membership association, Donors Forum promotes philanthropy and a strong nonprofit sector in
Donors Forum has a Library and five Philanthropy Centers around the state. Together, they hold the second largest philanthropy collection in the United States. The Library is open to the public, Monday - Friday, Noon - 5:00 pm. For information on Philanthropy Centers, click here. Donors Forum's administrative offices are open Monday - Friday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm. Partner Category: Civic and Non-Profit Organization Centennial ActivitiesWednesday, April 29, 2009 11:30am to 1:30pm Weaving a Regional Vision: Grantmakers as Partners in Creating Sustainable GrowthDonors ForumThe Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) is creating a regional vision for greater Chicago with the core themes of sustainability, equity, and innovation. The vision encompasses issues of major concern to Chicago-area grantmakers: quality of life, the environment, housing, health, safety, education, economic strength, energy production and consumption, water use, intergovernmental cooperation and planning, and civic involvement. A final plan, for release in Fall 2010, will include public input through events focusing on the Burnham Centennial. Website: Address: Contact: Marilou Jones, Director of Communications,, 312-327-8942 |