Civic and Non-Profit Organization (95)
Cultural Institution or Organization (44)
Neighborhood or Community Development Organization (7)
Other (13)
Public Agency (75)
The Blue Island Public Library is an educational institution recognizing the need of all people for continuing self-education. The Library’s services are designed and carried out primarily to fulfill its educational function. Partner Category: Civic and Non-Profit Organization Centennial ActivitiesThursday, November 5, 2009 10:30am Daniel Burnham’s Chicago: Historical ReenactmentBlue Island Public LibraryActor and historian Terry Lynch presents Daniel Burnham, architect of the Chicago Plan, discussing Chicago's history and his strategy to create to create a well-ordered and convenient city. Tuesday, November 17, 2009 10:30am For Seniors Only!: "City Beautiful: Celebrating the Burnham Plan Centennial"Blue Island Public LibraryThe year 2009 marks the centennial of Daniel Burnham's visionary plan for Chicago and its environs. Burnham's Plan shaped the city and suburbs for generations of residents and visitors to enjoy. [MORE] Tuesday, November 10, 2009 7:00pm Rick Kogan: The Burnham LegacyBlue Island Public LibraryRick Kogan — popular Chicago Tribune columnist and host of WGN radio's Sunday Papers with Rick Kogan — considers how Burnham’s legacy is a confusing yet wonderful thing. Kogan talks about the city behind the skyscrapers, telling stories of people and a city that exists apart from grand plans. [MORE] Open to the public: Website: Address: |