The Burnham Plan Centennial - Bold Plans, Big Dreams


Burnham Memorial

Burnham Memorial [Hammond Beeby Rupert Ainge]

Burnham Memorial [Hammond Beeby Rupert Ainge]

Burnham Memorial [Hammond Beeby Rupert Ainge]

Burnham Memorial [Hammond Beeby Rupert Ainge]

Aric Lasher
Hammond Beeby Rupert Ainge

Burnham Memorial

The Memorial terrace draws the spectator into the drama of Daniel Burnham’s Chicago. It extends from the Field Museum and culminates in an overlook featuring a monumental figure of Burnham that marks the axis of Lake Shore Drive and is scaled to the backdrop of the museum. Grasping a sheaf of drawings, Burnham’s gaze is focused toward the horizon, suggesting the vision and foresight that have benefited Chicago.

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