The Burnham Plan Centennial - Bold Plans, Big Dreams


Exhibit Sponsors

This exhibit represents a remarkable amount of work created by Chicago area firms – architects, planners, landscape architects, and other designers – who continue to create bold plans and big dreams. More than three-dozen firms are represented on the gallery walls and hundreds of individuals are responsible for the projects.

“Big. Bold. Visionary.” is part of the Burnham Plan Centennial – a region-wide series of exhibits, lectures, tours, school programs, and events sponsored by more than 250 partner organizations. The leadership of the Burnham Plan Centennial Committee – John H. Bryan, George A. Ranney, and Adele Simmons – was instrumental to ensuring the continuing Burnham spirit in our local design community was represented during this year’s celebrations. The City of Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs is responsible for this exhibition in the 72 East Randolph Gallery, with funding from the Burnham Plan Centennial. The designers whose work is shown here donated their time and energy to share their big, bold, and visionary ideas with the public. Further details about many of the projects can be viewed on this website, including the many people responsible for the exhibition and individual works.

These “Big. Bold. Visionary.” projects would remain in their designers’ minds and on their hard drives without the generous support of the exhibit and Burnham Plan Centennial sponsors listed below.

Edward Keegan, Curator

Presenting Partners:



Exhibit Sponsors:

Northern Trust Logo

ITW logo


Founding Sponsors:

The Chicago Community Trust and Affiliates
Elizbeth Morse & Genius Charitable Trusts

The Burnham Plan Centennial
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