Join author Rod Sellers at the Vodak East Side Library for a presentation about how Daniel Burnham's 1909 Plan impacted Chicago's Southeast Side. The program will also look at subsequent planning initiatives for the area.Included will be: the Van Vlissingen Plan (1920) for Lake Calumet Harbor as well as other plans for port development in the area; the Lake Calumet Airport Plan (1990); current real estate developments in the area including the South Works Development and the 134th Street Redevelopment Project; and City of Chicago planning initiatives for the Calumet area.
The presentation will preview the exhibit of the same title opening at the Southeast Chicago Historical Museum on June 15.
This program was offered on these dates:
Thursday, June 4, 2009 7:00pm
Southeast Environmental Task Force
Cost: No charge
Vodak East Side Library
3710 E. 106th Street
Chicago, IL 60617
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