Recognizing an exceptional commitment to make “Chicago progress” central to the Chicago Public Schools’ literacy, social sciences, and social emotional learning curriculum, 32 Chicago Public Schools were competitively selected to participate in a year-long Bold Plans. Big Dreams. Demonstration Schools program that will benefit their students and schools, and serve as models for others throughout the city and region.
Demonstration School Benefits
- Chicago Learning Resource Collection—books, maps, videos—a $500 collection for the school’s library.
- Bold Plans Initiative Fund--$1,000 grant for each school to invest in special projects that contribute to greater understanding and commitment to Chicago progress.
- Recognition as a model for other schools, featured on the Burnham Plan Centennial Web site.
- Invitation to special Millennium Park recognition event in October 2009.
Demonstration School Commitments
- Embed Chicago meaningfully in the core curriculum of your school.
- Organize ways to recognize and support students’ civic commitment.
- Plan effective use of the Chicago Learning Resource collection.
- Dedicate teacher planning time to organize and assess instruction aligned with the Bold Plans, Big Dreams vision.
- Involve parents actively.
- Connect with other civic resources (museums, libraries, government, community organizations
- Participate in evaluation process and commit to sustain the initiative.
See all programs of the Bold Plans. Big Dreams Education Initiative
Burnham Plan Centennial Committee
Contact: Justin Speer,