The Burnham Plan Centennial - Bold Plans, Big Dreams



Des Plaines River Trail/Liberty Prairie Reserve Connection

Planning efforts by the Lake County Forest Preserve District are focused on fixing a key gap in the regional trail system by creating a new trail connection linking the 32-mile Des Plaines River Trail with the 5,800-acre public-private Liberty Prairie Reserve in the Grayslake area. This link will make possible a later connection to the 35-mile Millennium Trail, now under development.

Program Partners

Lake County Forest Preserves

Today, Lake County is the second largest Forest Preserve District in the state of Illinois protecting more than 26,500 acres. This land benefits residents in multiple ways. Cleaner air and water, less flood damage, improved property values, open space between ...[MORE]

Liberty Prairie Conservancy

The mission of the Liberty Prairie Conservancy is to preserve open land, restore natural areas, and inspire a commitment to land conservation for the benefit of people and wildlife in Lake County, Illinois.

Lake County Forest Preserves

The Burnham Plan Centennial
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